

"Tilt Over"

The tilt compensator is out of range

“Points NO.<=20”

The number of points should be less than 20

"Cannot find"

Cannot find any point

"Pt. first"

Input the name of point first please!

"No information”

There aren’t any station, BSS or other coordinates, or user has not input point name

"Filename error"

Illegal character in the filename

"Cannot import"

Type of the file is not match, cannot to import

"Choose file"

please assign a file to import or export

"None record"

There is not record in the file


Records have been saved

"Select coord. file"

Assign a coordinates file


The value is out of range

"No data"

There is not record in the file

"Type not matching"

The type of file is not match with what you need

"Inexistence file"

File does not exist

"Empty file"

There is not record in the file

"Pickup 21 records"

Read out 21 roadway elements from the file

"Pickup 7 records"

Read out 7 roadways I.Ps from the file

"90° Beep off"

Switch off Beep on rectangle position

"90° Beep on"

Switch on Beep on rectangle position

"Setup station first"

Please setup station before setting BSS

"Open error"

Cannot open file

"T.H. overtop"

The height of the prism is out of range

"I.H. overtop"

The height of the instrument is out of range

"Dist overtop"

The value of distance is out of range

"Press overtop"

The value of air pressure is out of range

"Temp. overtop"

The value of air temperature is out of range

"Cannot calculate"

The shape is messy, so area cannot be calculated

"Extension error Input as follow (COD, COO, MEA, LSH, LSV)"

System can only accept some file such as:*.cod,*.coo,*.mea,*.lsh,*.lsv

"Disk is full"

There is not enough space to save file, delete some unused file

"Max elements should be less than 20!"

There are 20 or less elements that can be accepted by the instrument.

"Mileage overtops!”

The mileage of the start point is out of range

"Error: I.P number less than 3!"

For calculation, the number of the intersection point should be 3 or more

"No data (V)!"

There is not data that define the roadway in vertical aspect