Prompt |
Meaning |
"Tilt Over" |
The tilt compensator is out of range |
“Points NO.<=20” |
The number of points should be less than 20 |
"Cannot find" |
Cannot find any point |
"Pt. first" |
Input the name of point first please! |
"No information” |
There aren’t any station, BSS or other coordinates, or user has not input point name |
"Filename error" |
Illegal character in the filename |
"Cannot import" |
Type of the file is not match, cannot to import |
"Choose file" |
please assign a file to import or export |
"None record" |
There is not record in the file |
"Saved" |
Records have been saved |
"Select coord. file" |
Assign a coordinates file |
"Overtop" |
The value is out of range |
"No data" |
There is not record in the file |
"Type not matching" |
The type of file is not match with what you need |
"Inexistence file" |
File does not exist |
"Empty file" |
There is not record in the file |
"Pickup 21 records" |
Read out 21 roadway elements from the file |
"Pickup 7 records" |
Read out 7 roadways I.Ps from the file |
"90° Beep off" |
Switch off Beep on rectangle position |
"90° Beep on" |
Switch on Beep on rectangle position |
"Setup station first" |
Please setup station before setting BSS |
"Open error" |
Cannot open file |
"T.H. overtop" |
The height of the prism is out of range |
"I.H. overtop" |
The height of the instrument is out of range |
"Dist overtop" |
The value of distance is out of range |
"Press overtop" |
The value of air pressure is out of range |
"Temp. overtop" |
The value of air temperature is out of range |
"Cannot calculate" |
The shape is messy, so area cannot be calculated |
"Extension error Input as follow (COD, COO, MEA, LSH, LSV)" |
System can only accept some file such as:*.cod,*.coo,*.mea,*.lsh,*.lsv |
"Disk is full" |
There is not enough space to save file, delete some unused file |
"Max elements should be less than 20!" |
There are 20 or less elements that can be accepted by the instrument. |
"Mileage overtops!” |
The mileage of the start point is out of range |
"Error: I.P number less than 3!" |
For calculation, the number of the intersection point should be 3 or more |
"No data (V)!" |
There is not data that define the roadway in vertical aspect |